In 2021, after in-depth consultation with the communities of BC’s North Peace region, representatives of the City of Fort St. John, the District of Taylor, Doig River First Nation, the Peace River Regional District, and local industry leader Petronas Energy Canada, formed the inaugural Board of Directors to create the North Peace Community Foundation. As principal founder, the City of Fort St. John provided the capital necessary for the Foundation to form the non-profit society in BC in June of 2021, and achieve charitable registration status on January 1, 2022.
With a profoundly generous gift of $3 million dollars from the City of Fort St. John to create an operational endowment for the Foundation, the North Peace Community Foundation hired a full-time executive director, and established its office in the centrally-located and highly-connected city of Fort St. John.
Petronas Energy Canada joined as a principal founder of the Foundation in 2021 and provided a commitment of $500,000 over 5 years to create the Sustainable Communities Fund, as well as continuing to provide support and resources on the Board of Directors.
The Foundation holds the deepest of gratitude for the collective vision of these community leaders for a North Peace Region which remains a vital, energetic, and inclusive region based on determined northern values and building upon the strong foundation built by the people of our region since time immemorial.
Core Principals
The Foundation was founded in the spirit of, and our work is grounded in the core principles and frameworks of:
1. The Principles of Truth & Reconciliation
Our Vision
The North Peace Community Foundation provides resources to and is a catalyst for welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and inspirational community-building efforts, projects and programs that focus on “For the Future of the People” of BC’s North Peace region.
Our Mission
The North Peace Community Foundation brings together the financial resources of industry, business, families, and individuals to encourage philanthropy and provide long-term support for community opportunities.
Community-Driven & Community-Led
Appropriate structures are in place to safeguard assets.
We take our responsibilities and decisions seriously and are willing to be held to account by all of our stakeholders.
The Community Foundation will provide both short-and long-term positive impacts for the community.
Protective of Funding & Assets
Ensure ongoing investment in the community non-profit sector by leveraging non-taxbase revenue for long-term sustainability and strength of the community.
The Community Foundation will be empowered and enabled to adapt to community needs over time.
The Community Foundation will ensure transparency in operations of the Community Foundation through development of an accountable and inclusive framework for information.

“Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” -Scott Adams