Donor’s Rights
The North Peace Community Foundation believes that all Donors have the following rights:
To be informed of the Foundation’s mission, of the way the Foundation intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
• To be informed of the identity of those serving on the Foundation’s governing Board, and to expect the Board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
• To have access to the Foundation’s most recent financial statements and annual report.
• To be assured that gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
• To be assured that information about donations is handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Foundation and consistent with provincial and federal Privacy Legislation.
• To have the right to see their donor record and to challenge its accuracy.
• To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition as per Foundation policy, and, if requested by the donor, to remain anonymous.
• To expect that all relationships with individuals representing the Foundation will be professional in nature.
• To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the Foundation.
• To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that the Foundation may intend to share.
• To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
• To receive an official receipt for income tax purposes within thirty (30) days for the amount of the donation and for non-monetary eligible gifts (or gifts-in-kind), to receive an official receipt that reflects the fair market value of the gift in accordance under the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada) or its successor.
• To receive, upon request, the Foundation’s registration number as assigned by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), any information contained in the public portion of the Foundation’s most recent Foundation Information Return as submitted to CRA, and a copy of the Donors’ Rights Policy.
• To be encouraged to seek independent advice from experts as deemed necessary by the donor to ensure they understand the consequences/impact of the proposed gift on the Donor’s financial position, taxable income, or relationship with other family members.
• To receive a timely response from either a designated staff member or Foundation designate to a complaint about any matter that is addressed in this Donor’s Rights Policy.
• A complainant who remains dissatisfied following identification of a complaint related to this Donor’s Rights Policy shall be informed that he/she may appeal in writing to the Chair of the Board or designate, and shall be advised in writing of the disposition of the appeal.
• To be assured that the amount of their donation is not publicly disclosed without their consent.
• To be assured that recognition mechanisms created due to a gift shall not be arbitrarily changed or withdrawn. Unless otherwise negotiated at the time of the gift or changed through a joint agreement between the organization and the Donor or legal representative, the original form of the recognition mechanism will be maintained. If the mechanism cannot be physically retained, it will be changed to another consistent with the original agreement. If continuation of the recognition creates a reputational risk for the organization, it may be terminated or altered.
Monitoring: This policy will be reviewed every three years.
Board Acceptance: This policy was approved/reaffirmed at the June 6, 2022 Board meeting.
Community-driven & community-led
Appropriate structures are in place to safeguard assets.
We take our responsibilities and decisions seriously and are willing to be held to account by all of our stakeholders.
The Community Foundation will provide both short-and long-term positive impacts for the community.
Protective of funding and assets:
Ensure ongoing investment in the community non-profit sector by leveraging non-taxbase revenue for long-term sustainability and strength of the community.
The Community Foundation will be empowered and enabled to adapt to community needs over time.
The Community Foundation will ensure transparency in operations of the Community Foundation through development of an accountable and inclusive framework for information