Confidentiality and Privacy
The policy is designed to demonstrate the North Peace Community Foundation’s obligation to model high standards of accountability. Respect for confidentiality is the cornerstone of trust and confidence as well as a legislated obligation. Confidentiality means that Directors may not relate such matters to anyone including immediate family members. The duty of confidentiality continues indefinitely after a Director has left the Board.
The Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of the information of its employees, members, customers and other stakeholders. We value the trust of those we deal with, and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information that donors choose to share with us. During the course of our various projects and activities, we frequently gather and use personal information. Anyone from whom we collect such information should expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of or other dealing with this information is subject to consent. This policy is posted on the Foundation’s website.
Definition of Personal Information
Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual. Exceptions: business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers as published in public directories, are not considered personal information. Where an individual uses his or her home contact information as business contact information as well, we consider that the contact information provided as business contact information.
Personal information gathered by the Foundation is kept in confidence. Our personnel are authorized to access personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. Safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. We also take measures to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent its being lost or destroyed. We collect, use and disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in light of the circumstances.
We routinely offer individuals we deal with the opportunity to opt not to have their information shared for purposes beyond those for which it was explicitly collected. We use password protocols and encryption software to protect personal and other information we receive when a product or service is requested and/or paid for online. Our software is routinely updated to maximize the protection of such information. A Board member or staff member has been designated to respond to questions, concerns or complaints relating to this policy.
Board members and staff are required at all times to respect the confidentiality of a donor’s name, level of gift and personal circumstances that might identify a donor if asked to do so by the donor or by a motion of the Board.
Donor requests for confidentiality and anonymity will be strictly respected. Access to donor information will be restricted to only those who need it for the function of their duties. Paper records are kept locked and computer records are protected using password protocols. Donor lists are not shared with any other fundraising organizations. The Foundation does not use outside contract fundraisers.
Grant Recipients
The Foundation’s grantmaking process requires charities and agencies to provide detailed project and
organizational information. This may often be sensitive and will be treated in confidence.
The Foundation as a necessity will contract with professional and business corporations and details of all such transactions will be treated with respect and discretion. Information relating to personnel, litigation and property contracts and resulting transactions will be kept confidential.
The Board and all its committees act as a whole. Deliberations including the opinions of individual Board and Committee Members will be kept confidential. Third-party opinions with respect to contracts or grant applications will be kept confidential. Board members are required to hold in the strictest confidence all matters dealt with by the Board during in-camera meetings and matters relating to personnel and property.
The above constitutes the Statement of Confidentiality and Privacy. Each Board member and volunteer will sign and date this statement.
Monitoring: This policy will be reviewed every three years.
Board Acceptance: This policy was approved/reaffirmed at the December 4, 2021 Board meeting.
Imagine Canada Standards that align with this policy: A13, C3
Community-driven & community-led
Appropriate structures are in place to safeguard assets.
We take our responsibilities and decisions seriously and are willing to be held to account by all of our stakeholders.
The Community Foundation will provide both short-and long-term positive impacts for the community.
Protective of funding and assets:
Ensure ongoing investment in the community non-profit sector by leveraging non-taxbase revenue for long-term sustainability and strength of the community.
The Community Foundation will be empowered and enabled to adapt to community needs over time.
The Community Foundation will ensure transparency in operations of the Community Foundation through development of an accountable and inclusive framework for information